Torch Bay Nature Preserve


Torch Bay Nature Preserve

Torch Bay Nature Preserve began in 1991 as a dream by the people of Torch Lake Township and became a reality in 2000.   The acquisition of these roughly 40 acres was made possible by a grant from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, matched by the previous owners.

Money and labor to develop the nature trails, viewing platforms interpretive shelter and signage was donated locally and matched with a Coastal Zone Management grant.

View the Torch Lake Township Nature Preserve Brochure

View the Torch Lake Township Nature Preserve Map


Mark Jakubiak

Dee Jakubiak

John Jenkins

Jerry Klinefelter

Mary Van Valin

Steve McLain

Sheila Wright

Audra Randall

Maureen Lorenz

Chris Lampen

(VACANT) Grand Traverse Conservation Easement Steward 

Torch Bay Nature Preserve Meeting Minutes: